Udona Boerema (1982)
Lives and works in Borne and Hengelo The Netherlands.
“If a tree falls down in a deserted forest and no one hears it, did the tree make a sound?”.
-George Berkeley.
Udona Boerema creates subjective, fictional landscapes. An outer world and an inner world that she simultaneously recreates into a new painting, shaping her thoughts and those of others who inspire her to do so. She asks herself whether everything we see is real, what existence is, what that means and whether it actually matters whether something is real or not real and what that is?
During long walks, new images emerge before her eyes that, together with her thoughts, take on a life of their own. She describes this process as an atmosphere in which air pressure builds up. From this mental composition, the transfiguration into a new painting slowly arises later in the studio. When the work is finished, it presents itself as a déjà-vu, as if it existed before she painted it.
Trees and vegetation play a major role in her work. Their presence is important, the starting point to shape her thoughts and create scale. In recent years, a symbiosis emerges between the realistic and abstract forms in her work. The vegetation disappears and abstracted, layered, transparent, bright landscapes emerge.
Paintings that, in her words, ‘depict a kind of space’, a pervaded completeness.
Udona Boerema, Groningen 1982
AKI/ArtEZ Enschede (2003-2007 bachelor in fine art)
Academie Minerva, Groningen (2001-2002)
(s) solo exhibition (g) group exhibition (d) duo exhibition
2023 Stephane Simoens contemporary fine art “Great Small Works” Knokke België (g)
2023 Vrijhof Cultuur “Nature Matter(s)” met Hieke Luik en Nour-Eddine Jarram Enschede NL
2022 See Marais Paris Native, Vol II “VEGETAL” Parijs F (g)
2022 ACEC Apeldoorn & Kunstgemaal Bronckhorst “Hoe = het nu 2022” NL (g)
2021 Concordia Enschede “artists in the world” NL(g)
2021 ACEC Apeldoorn & Kunstgemaal Brockhorst “ Hoe = het nu 2021 NL (g)
2021 Stephane Simoens contemporary fine art Knokke Belgie (g)
2021 Jan van Hoof Galerie ‘s-Hertogenbosch “Tweedonker” met Hieke Luik en Remco Dikken NL (g)
2020 P60 Assen “geen titel” NL (g)
2020 Gray contemporary Houston “Unsustainable” USA (s)
2020 Stephane Simoens contemporary fine art Knokke “Great Small Works” Belgie (g)
2020 Gray contemporary Houston “Twenty one” a one day solo USA (s)
2019 Waterstaatskerk Hengelo NL (g) Jacko Brinkman presenteert “tentoonstelling” Amsterdam met Hinke Schreuders en Remco Dikken NL (g)
2019 Gray contemporary Houston USA (g)
2018 Gray contemporary Houston USA (g)
2018 Kunst centrum Hengelo “In Studio” (s)
2018 De Ketelfactory Schiedam “the eye is the Centre/ Magnify Me” NL (g)2017 Gray contemporary “ transience)Houston USA (s)
2017 Gray Contemporary “Combined” Houston USA (g)
2016 TAC Eindhoven “DARK MATTERS” 20 november t/m 18 december 2016 NL (g)
2016 Concordia Enschede “MATERIAL MATTERS” 11 juni t/m 14 augustus 2016 NL (g)2016 Cloud Gallery Amsterdam, “Art for Refugees”, NL (g)
2015 Rijks museum Twenthe NL (g)
2015 TETEM Enschede “Art Overijssel” NL (g)
2015 SarT Enschede Performance factory “tentoonstelling” NL (g)
2014 “the Gallery” bedrijfs technologisch centrum Enschede NL (UT) (s)
2014 Oranjerie Landgoed Twickel “met andere ogen” NL (g)
2014 Waterschapshuis Coevorden NL (d)
2013 AiR KiK Kolderveen (multiple artist in residence curated by Udona Boerema and Remco Dikken) NL (g)
2013 Bornse synagoge “stille groei” NL (s)
2013 Schau fenster Berlijn Duitsland”schau fenster schau” D (g)
2013 Indigo hof 88 Almelo NL (d)
2012 Young and Refined, Gallery de Compagnie, Dordrecht, NL (g)
2011 AkkuH, Hengelo, NLKunstingang, “made in silence Ter Apelkanaal NL (g)
2010 Kunststichting de Werkplaats Borne NL (d)
2010 Dynamo Expo, Enschede NL (d)
2009 Kunstenlab, Deventer NL (d)
2008 Creatieve Fabriek, Hengelo “ROUM”Ateliers 93, Hengelo “Artloop NL (g)
2007 Final Exhibition, AKI/ArtEZ Academy of Fine Art, Enschede NL (g)
2007 Gallery de Compagnie, Dordrecht, “On The Threshold” NL (g)